07:15–08:00 | Registration and Breakfast | |
08:00–08:05 | Welcome | Dienst |
08:05–08:15 | International Hip Arthroscopy Courses – looking back | Kohn |
08:15–08:55 | Arthroscopic Access – “Why I prefer this” | Moderator: Villar |
Villar | |
Said | |
Laude | |
08:55–10:30 | Live Hip Arthroscopy I (Heidelberg, Germany) | Moderators: Villar/Möckel/Fontana |
Case Presentation | Bago | |
Sponsor | ||
LIVE HIP ARTHROSCOPY I – AMIC/Cartilage Repair | Surgeon: Thorey | |
10:30–11:00 | Coffee Break and Exhibition | |
11:00–11:45 | Arthroscopic Capsular Repair & Cam Resection – Technique & Pearls | Moderator: Witt |
Dienst | |
Domb | |
Dienst | |
Domb | |
11:45–13:20 | Live Hip Arthroscopy II (Herentals, Belgium) | Moderators: Dienst/Witt |
Case Presentation | Bago | |
Sponsor | ||
LIVE HIP ARTHROSCOPY II – FAI/Labral Base Repair | Surgeon: Bataillie | |
13:20–14:30 | Lunch Break and Visit of Industrial Exhibition | |
13:30–14:30 | Workshops | |
Theresiensaal | Johnson & Johnson Medical GmbH – DePuy Synthes Arthroscopic assisted Mini-open approach – technique, results and case presentation. Marco Ezechieli, MD, Germany |
Room 6 | Stryker European Operations B.V
14:30–15:00 | Arthroscopic Pincer Resection – Technique, Pearls & Pitfalls | Moderator: Said |
Dienst | |
O’Donnell | |
15:00–16:45 | Live Hip Arthroscopy III (Vail, U.S.A.) | Moderators: O`Donnell/Said |
Case Presentation | Bago | |
Sponsor | ||
LIVE HIP ARTHROSCOPY III – FAI/Labral Transplantation | Surgeon: Philippon | |
16:45–17:15 | Coffee Break and Visit of Industrial Exhibition | |
17:15–17:20 | So you want to publish a Paper? | Villar |
17:15–17:20 | Arthroscopic Labral Repair – Various Techniques | Moderator: Dienst |
Laude | |
Möckel | |
O’Donnell | |
Sadri | |
Witt | |
18:30 | Closing Remarks of the 1st Day | Dienst |